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  "The Power of Love with Animals"  
a magical life communicating with other species


Would you like to know what animals and nature have to share with us?


This book is a powerful life story of the author's unconditional loving relationships with many animal companions, wildlife species, mother earth, and her ancestors beyond this physical world.


A joyful ride, many pages share communications and wisdom from other species to help humanity learn about the earth and how to live with our relations of other species.


Power of Love with Animals will inspire you to take your relationships with animal companions and wildlife to new levels of understanding. Let the language of LOVE take you to places in your heart you may have never thought possible, going beyond the physical world to explore the other realms whilst being human.


Debra will take you on enlightening journeys into past lives and why our companion animals come to us. Not limited to the tangible physical world, Debra's communications cross into many realms of existence. She shares how her family of light beings (the ancestor souls) support her earthly journey and come to heal her childhood wounds. Many animal companions and wildlife species have visited her to support, teach and guide her evolution here on earth.


Power of Love with Animals is a fascinating and enlightening journey to learn about yourself, your relationship with other species and the earth you inhabit.



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"Seeker of Freedom and Joy"  
inspiring life journeys of enlightened heart

Would you like to be inspired to find more meaning in your life?


This book is one of those inspiring reads to take you on a journey of discovery to reflect on your own life and the world around you from a different perspective. Offering landmarks to find your own unique path to live with more joy and freedom. 


A heartfelt book full of extraordinary life journeys that begin with a sensitive child, the author sees the world and interprets its meaning from what she believes in her heart to be full of contradictions and confusion around love on this planet. Her adventurous spirit drives her with a passion to explore the world beyond her childhood home early in life, to find freedom and joy in her heart.


The reader has an opportunity to find their own personal insights as Debra shares how she navigated a path beyond her own trauma, fears, confusion, disappointments and challenges life throws at her with courage she moves through to find herself having spiritual awakenings and profound insights about her life. Trusting her own heart calling, each journey awakened her to find healing and heart expansion to have magical experiences in nature and with animals. 


A beautiful book to reflect on family relationships, wellness of our mind, body, soul and the natural world around us. 


Wanting to be inspired this will keep you wanting to read every unpredicatable chapter to the end.

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